Upgrade Antrun and Tycho Plugin
Antrun Plugin
As this is needed for native2ascii to work anyway, it is preferable to use the same Version in the whole Project.
In the Root-POM (location: birt) add to the properties-Section:
This Maven-Property is going to be used throughout the whole build environment.
In all POM-Files with the occurrence of maven-antrun-plugin, set the property:
Please note that the parameter <tasks> has been removed from the plugin configuration: use <target> instead
You’ll find more information on https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-antrun-plugin/.
Tycho Plugin
In the Root-POM (location: birt) add to the properties-Section:
This Maven-Property is going to be used throughout the whole build environment.
Still in the Root-POM, search for the tycho-compiler-plugin and add the following to the configuration-section:
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